Thursday, January 27, 2011

Walking more and more!

Today we went out twice, and twice, she walked independently, unless she comes across an overly friendly stranger (who tries to touch her, or come near).

Especially in the evening, we walked almost 100m non-stop to the fitness corner.

I'm just afraid I don't give her enough opportunities. I can't seem to remember, what's the target for toddling from Doman's book. Gotta go check.

Eating more food now!

Her apetite seems to have been switched on!

She'd actually open wide for me to put the whole spoon in!

However, being the careful little girl she is, she'd open just a tiny slit to taste first. Once she finds it okay, she'd nod for more. Mummy's so glad!

Been feeding her mostly egg yolks with porridge, plums, bits of what I'm eating, even vegetables and minced pork. I think in total, she'd probably taken only 10-15 teaspoons a day so far, but it's a start! She's also drinking less of Mummy's milk, so I'd have to remember to supplement with cow's milk or water to replenish her fluids.

"Make" = Milk!

She's finally saying it consistently!

It sounds like "make", but it's okay, Mummy gets it!

Oh, these are exciting times!

More words! Car! Cow! Clock! Card! Take out! Put back! Dog! Cat! "Mutt" ("sock" in Cantonese)

She's been using them for sometime now, except cow, which Mummy was just shown this morning!

Car, for the IKEA toy cars, and when we're beside the road.
She was sitting on the potty, flipping the "Mr Brown can moo, can you?" book, and pointed to the cow, said "Cow!" for the first time! At least this is the first time I noticed! She's been saying "Clock" (mostly sounds more like "cock") and pointing at the clock in the book, and our alarm clock.

Card when she points at Mummy's booklets of cards (my EZLink farecard, credit cards, ICs, etc), and playing / poker cards, or anything that's cardboard like.

Mummy also just noticed, "take out". She pulled out one of Papa's cassette tape and hands it to Mummy, saying, "take out", unexpectedly. And I did. She's used "put back" with the "fook wa" or "bliss dolls" after playing with them on the rattan chair, simultaneously pointing to the dolls, then to their original place on the shelf.

Dog at the wooden puzzle from Yee Yee, and sometimes outside. Cat, very seldom, at the wooden puzzle or actual cat downstairs.

"Mutt" this morning. Picked up and gave Mummy a pair of socks. I put it on for her to see and said "mutt". She repeated after me, very clearly. She's also said, "yi chek" (this one, in Cantonese) right after Mummy said it when showing her which block goes into which hole shape.

And, (yay!!), she's been calling "Mama" more often now! And when she says it, she does it in a sing song manner, as if enjoying the words.

Oh, Lougong, our daughter's going to be able to hold real conversations with us very soon!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A note on letting go...

Some time ago, between the time when Ning was just starting to stand up by herself and the time she started to move her foot an inch or two forward, we started "letting go" of her hands. She usually complains a bit and sits down, but on the very rare occasion, she'd take a few steps.

Somehow, she let me know, I can't remember exactly how, that she doesn't like us "letting go", which was twisting our fingers out of her hands. It definitely did not feel good.

Try to hold someone else's finger very tight, and just because that person is stronger than you are, she twists it out of your hand. It feels really unkind. And she's holding on because she's afraid.

So Mummy made it a point to let her hold on as long as she likes and asks her to let go by herself. This way, she chooses.

At some point or other in the future, it'd be Mummy who'd be afraid she'd not want to hold Mummy's hand.

Better savour the moment while it lasts!

Ning's turning up the volume and testing limits

She's trying out her vocals a lot more now!

The most noticeable is her volume. She'd say things 3x, once softly, once louder, and another loudest, without yelling. She did this most frequently with the words, "Baba" and "Kakak".


No "Mummy" audible...

The best to date is, "Ma".

First time signing and peeing outside home!

Today, after breakfast at the nearby coffee shop, we hung around our flat's void deck. Mummy was blowing bubbles, it's quite cathartic, for Ning to chase. Ning chose to step on them instead.

She was racing against a boy, about 5 years old, who purposely slowed down to baby pace and let her over take him, what a nice boy. After she overtook him, she turned around and urgently started her "toilet" sign. Mummy signed the correct sign and she nodded. So we went to a quiet corner, took off her shorts, held her legs up, she squirmed and complained a bit, and she peed into the drain!!! A lot!

Mummy's elated!

Mummy kissed her, and praised her for peeing with pants off, keeping her pants, legs and shoes dry!

I've been trying a different mode nowadays, since she's been doing it every where but the potty. As soon as she's out of potty and not interested, back into her nappy. When we go out, and Mummy feels it's about an hour and half since last pee, will try to cue her. If she doesn't calm down or pee, will put it back on. I don't want to force her, just let her have the opportunity to let go, if she's ready.

"Calling" Someone is...

calling that someone with a telephone, at least to Ning.

Recently, when somebody approaches our home door, I'd ask her to call out that person's name. And she slaps her hand to her ear, as if putting the phone to her ear, then said the person's name.

When Papa opens the door in the evening after work, Mummy says, "Papa is home. Go call Papa," and she puts her palm flat against her left ear, to "call" Papa.

So funny.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New words: "Zi" (paper) and "zi sek" (purple)

It was breakfast time, and all three of us were at the table.
When Ning's thru with eating what we fed her off our own foods, she started to fidget and point to the egg rolls.
Mummy pretended to try guessing what she wanted, pointed at all other items and saying "Is it this blue piece of paper, is it that purple piece of paper?" in Cantonese. And it distracted her, she nodded. So Mummy passes her the purple paper. And she repeated after me, savouring the sound "zi", "zi sek".
And Mummy noticed, and praised her. She was so proud, and it showed :)
Sigh, Mummy's also swelling already.

To Alexandra IKEA for lunch!

We went to IKEA today, after Ning woke from her nap and had her milk.

Mummy brought:
1 jumper;
2 sets cloth diapers in zip-lock bag (both used);
100ml of Meiji fresh milk in bottle (drank 10ml; on breast 3x);
2 baby crackers (finished half of one cracker).

We played with their wooden toys, and she was particularly interested in toy cars, Lillabo vehicles. It comes in a set of 3, a bulldozer, a police vehicle and fire engine. It is well made, I tried pulling apart the wheels and dumping it from waist height to floor, to test durability, it could withstand my abuse. So, we bought a set. And the wooden pegs, hammer them all down, turn over and start again.

She made water, I denied it at first, when a boys mother spotted the puddle, until I felt her bumwear, it was wet. It was so embarassing. Went to change her, she was dripping and still holding and peeing. Found a cleaner, and asked to borrow her mop, but she said it's okay. Sigh.

Then we went and tried out the swings, chairs and tables. She climbed onto 2 types, the really sturdy$49 solid wood nursery chair, and the $19 AGEN rattan chair. No prize for guessing which one I got, the rattan chair. It matches our existing adult AGEN chairs and my butt can fit too!

Made our way back by taxi. The driver was very kind, he took umbrella and helped us carry our stuff to the void deck in the rain. Sigh, there isn't enough taxi drivers like him.

Will explore once a week from now on.

Pretty bored at home.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Singing 5 Little "Duck"s!!

Today, Mummy remembered an activity from "How Smart is Your Baby: 0 - 12 months".
Since she knew how to say "duck", I let her fill in the part Mother "duck", in the song. And she caught on! Very happy and excited! However, we seldom get past the third chorus together.
Sang "Hush little baby", she started filling in with "duck" at first, then Mummy mouthed "Papa" and again she caught on. Had a few laughs until she is finally sleeping about 3pm.
Funny girl.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

More walks (without prompting) by late 13 months

She was practically walking the whole time we were at Kakak's house last week.

Mummy was finishing up the pratas for tea break around 4:00pm when we hear Kakak "fishing" for Ning's "Kakak" next door. Nana'd say "Kakak" just audibly so that if Ning's awake, she'd hear her. And Ning responded with a soft "Kakak", and then a louder "Kakak" until Nana heard her!

So, Mummy promptly brought Ning to the door and out for her afternoon outdoor play time, where she can roam in the play ground, or just around the block and stair cases when it rains. This girl loves climbing staircases for what reason I cannot fathom. She'd put one foot up, then lean back holding Mummy's hand and arch her back using Mummy for leverage to get her other foot up (turns out it's not as fun to just lean forward and pull up the other foot).

So on this particular afternoon, Kakak Nana and Abang were both in, they welcomed us to their home and soon, Ning was up and walking on her own. She seems to do this most often around Kakak and Abang. We played Ring a Ring of Roses around Ning, Peekaboo (Abang's best at making funny faces after hiding behind his door curtain), Choo Choo Train (with her as the head engine), a paper aeroplane and just went crazy with Ning walking.

The main reason, I think, she walks so freely there, could be their living room is so expansive and free from clutter! I quickly removed the center piece (her music centre) and rearranged the living room, and she's also standing up to walk more often at home now!

Hopefully, she'd be a professional walker by the time lunar new year comes! Hehe, then she'd free her hands to do the "gong xi" greetings and grab ang pows! :D Just kidding :)

First time @ SSC Water Playground

We went after lunching at Ajisen, about 2pm. It was cloudy and drizzling on and off.

The playground flooring is shock absorbent type. There were lots of water jets and features, as well as a sheltered play area with slides, climbing rope nets as well as rotary play things.

In the beginning, Ning just watched, there were so many children running and shouting, most of them much bigger than she was. Then she walked towards the water features.

She'd skirted around those water jets shooting from the floor for a while. Then, she leaned over to take a look at where the supposed hose was, only to have her face shot by the jets. She laughed. Then, having wet her feet (and face), she ran over two or three jets getting all wet, until this big boy released a jet he was plugging with his foot, just as Ning ran over, the water shot into her nose, I think. That's when she cried, the complaint kind, "Hey, Mummy, that water jet wasn't suppose to come into my nose!" and have Mummy pick her up. She sneezed a few times, naturally, to expel the offending fluids from her nasal cavities.

After that, we went around looking for less "violent" water fountains and found one with slow streams flowing out in a spiral. There she stayed quite long trying to grasp the streams of water and smiling all the way, until Mummy noticed she was shivering. Mummy asked, are you cold? Do you want stop, change clothes and go home? She shook her head, determined to catch that stream of water.

Mummy decided it was long enough, didn't want her to catch a cold on her first play trip at the water playground.

After that, we went to Daiso and before long, she was tired. She fell asleep in Mummy's arms while nursing at 5:30pm and went straight to bed when we reached home.

Hee hee, I think there'll be more visits to Sembawang Shopping Centre in the future!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Perfect pitch Ning

Well at least to me.

I turned on the television last Friday just as the Hokkien series "Love" theme song was played. I've been tuning in almost daily for the past 2 weeks, 7pm.

She was going "ah ah ah" and butting in and out against the tv bench to the tune of the song, note for note, after the show started!

I was VERY impressed by how accurate her pitch was! Now I'm going 2 pay extra attention to her "singing" and figure out which tunes they are!

Friday, January 07, 2011

Pouty Ning

Her new look, pouting her lips and making the "ooo ooo" sound.

She'd do this when climbing steps, bending over, or anything that takes effort.


We don't do it, wonder where she picked it up from.

She walked across the living room last night

all by herself while holding Papa's phone. And a bit more. That's more than 10 steps!

She was at first holding Mummy's hand, and she wanted to hold on to Papa's phone which was playing her favourite song, "Happy Birthday". She was putting down the phone, then holding my hand, then picked it up and repeating this until Mummy said, you can let go and walk with Papa's phone, and she did!

10 little steps all on her own. That's one BIG STEP in her life!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Ning's Sporting Cheeky Looks

She'd clench her teeth and smile, as if she knows or plans something we're not aware of.

One word, cheeky.

Will try to get it on camera :P

She's been playing chase with Mummy doing the chasing. She'd ask for milk, we go into the bedroom, lie down, she'd drink a bit, rolls over, broad cheek smile and laugh, and off she goes, backing down the bed. Daring Mummy to chase her and bring her back on the bed. She'll do this until Mummy's tired and won't play along. Then she'd either go out, or come back onto bed and cry til Mummy gets up or she tires.