Found out from BabyCenter that blowing bubbles is also a skill, and half the babies can do it in the third month, which means, our little girl is a little advance ;) or maybe we really bore her till she has to resort to blowing bubbles :P
It seems like so long ago, when it has only been slightly more than 7 weeks when we have Shay Ning. Maybe the last couple of weeks was really tough in the evenings, when she would only feed for 3 minutes and then start crying, no, it's wailing, and we'll carry her, rock her and won't let us put her down. She's got a penchant for being carried chest to chest, upright and her head flopped backwards, which is quite tiring. When she's in our arms, and comfortable, she's just awake and curious and looks around until she's sleepy then falls asleep. See photo of Papa below. Most of the day she sleeps or plays nicely by herself or with us and then goes to sleep. Between midnight and morning, she'll only wake twice for milk, at most and then falls asleep again. It is only the evenings, so I guess, we're still quite lucky.
Yesterday we brought her out to buy her a cot mobile, a brush and maybe some other toys, since she was fussy and didn't really want to sleep. We've got some vouchers for Kiddy Palace and got her the Fisher and Price Jungle theme cot mobile. It has lights, 18-minute Bach, Beethoven, Mozart music and a revolving mobile with jungle animal soft toys. We're gonna put it up later. Maybe take a picture afterwards.
Hopefully it'll make it less boring for her when her parents are totally knocked out to play with her.
We also bought a front carrier, since she likes the chest to chest, to take some weight off our arms while soothing her in the evenings. Papa's tried it out, it's good and Shay Ning doesn't object to it, thankfully.
So, now, we're still trying to figure out why she's so fussy in the evenings. Maybe we'll try to go out again in the late afternoon, or see if her pattern is changing, then go out again tomorrow. She slept relatively quickly yesterday. We arrived home about 1900hrs, then she started fussing shortly after, but finally drank at 2100hrs falling asleep during feed after an hour and fifteen minutes.
Wish us good luck!
Or give us some good tips ;)
Lougong and I met in uni. In Nov 2009, we have graduated from being lovers to being parents with the arrival of Shay Ning. We have also recently welcomed baby Sing Way into our family in Jan 2015. Come and walk with us as we share our family moments here :)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Playing with Pa in Bed
This is Lougong playing with Ning in bed.
He's very creative in play.
This is just one of the games ;)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Finishing Line in Sight @ Wk 38
It's been a long run...
We're now seeing the obstetrician weekly.
Am scheduled for a CTG (cardiotocograph, measures fetal heart rate and uterine contractions) and ultrasound scan to check baby's EFW (estimated fetal weight) and AFI (amniotic fluid index).
What it means is, we'll check if baby's ok and if there's enough amniotic fluid.
Been very tired, taking 3 hr naps is becoming a norm.
Regularly irregular Braxton Hicks, which started as early as 7th month, are making me sore sometimes. Not painful, but quite sore, imagine having a little one grinding against your urinary tract on average 4 times an hour, and everytime it happens, your whole stomach goes really tight and you have to pant to catch your breath. Hmm, not painful, but not exactly a walk in the park either :)
Been tracking my weight. Wow, this week, I've gained 14 kg since my 3rd month *gasp* Think I'm even heavier than Lougong now.
Another thing, Lougong says he thinks he saw stretch marks on my underbelly! It couldn't be! Mummy & BB both didn't have any. And this was suppose to be hereditary. Hmm, anyway, you can't control these things, not even if you applied creams, I read. So no point crying over spilt milk :) I'm sure the cosmetic industry has ways and means to reduce / undo this once Lougong and I've had enough kids :)
Alright, that's all for now!
We're now seeing the obstetrician weekly.
Am scheduled for a CTG (cardiotocograph, measures fetal heart rate and uterine contractions) and ultrasound scan to check baby's EFW (estimated fetal weight) and AFI (amniotic fluid index).
What it means is, we'll check if baby's ok and if there's enough amniotic fluid.
Been very tired, taking 3 hr naps is becoming a norm.
Regularly irregular Braxton Hicks, which started as early as 7th month, are making me sore sometimes. Not painful, but quite sore, imagine having a little one grinding against your urinary tract on average 4 times an hour, and everytime it happens, your whole stomach goes really tight and you have to pant to catch your breath. Hmm, not painful, but not exactly a walk in the park either :)
Been tracking my weight. Wow, this week, I've gained 14 kg since my 3rd month *gasp* Think I'm even heavier than Lougong now.
Another thing, Lougong says he thinks he saw stretch marks on my underbelly! It couldn't be! Mummy & BB both didn't have any. And this was suppose to be hereditary. Hmm, anyway, you can't control these things, not even if you applied creams, I read. So no point crying over spilt milk :) I'm sure the cosmetic industry has ways and means to reduce / undo this once Lougong and I've had enough kids :)
Alright, that's all for now!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thoughts & Baby's Patterns @ Week 34
Baby's very active.
I would often stop what I was and just enjoy feeling baby moving inside. Sometimes you can even see the belly move!
Almost every meal time and a while after that, baby will start to fidget. Lougong, right?
When Lougong puts a hand on the belly during the active period, baby will even 'pop-up' under his hand. Funny Lougong, he'd jerk his hand back as if afraid of it. Lougong says quite 'geli' :P
Recently, while watching television after dinner, I would lie flat on my back and watch my belly change shape. Baby would take the opportunity to 'stretch'. My whole belly would distort from big round dome to diagonal bump from my bottom right stomach up to my left hand side just below the left breast. I didn't know they could do that :) Hee hee, we didn't take any pictures yet, coz usually don't wear much by then, VERY HOT.
Even in the day time, sometimes, my belly will show a bump on the right while the left hand side is 'deflated'. Then I'd really feel the stretch :)
Another observation is, baby tend to 'hiccup' a lot. Can feel it. 1 week at least a few times. Nobody knows why baby 'hiccup' in the womb. *puzzled*
Alright, that's all for now.
Been feeling very heavy and tired recently. Taken 3-4 hr naps every weekend since last week.
I would often stop what I was and just enjoy feeling baby moving inside. Sometimes you can even see the belly move!
Almost every meal time and a while after that, baby will start to fidget. Lougong, right?
When Lougong puts a hand on the belly during the active period, baby will even 'pop-up' under his hand. Funny Lougong, he'd jerk his hand back as if afraid of it. Lougong says quite 'geli' :P
Recently, while watching television after dinner, I would lie flat on my back and watch my belly change shape. Baby would take the opportunity to 'stretch'. My whole belly would distort from big round dome to diagonal bump from my bottom right stomach up to my left hand side just below the left breast. I didn't know they could do that :) Hee hee, we didn't take any pictures yet, coz usually don't wear much by then, VERY HOT.
Even in the day time, sometimes, my belly will show a bump on the right while the left hand side is 'deflated'. Then I'd really feel the stretch :)
Another observation is, baby tend to 'hiccup' a lot. Can feel it. 1 week at least a few times. Nobody knows why baby 'hiccup' in the womb. *puzzled*
Alright, that's all for now.
Been feeling very heavy and tired recently. Taken 3-4 hr naps every weekend since last week.
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Very Pregnant Photoshoot @ Week 33
Lougong remarked we don't have any photos of a pregnant me.
Actually we did take some, they weren't very flattering. That's why we didn't put them up. Oily complexion and water retention doesn't make for a very flattering shot ;)
Anyway, here's 2 that made the censorship and into our memory lane / album :)

Actually we did take some, they weren't very flattering. That's why we didn't put them up. Oily complexion and water retention doesn't make for a very flattering shot ;)
Anyway, here's 2 that made the censorship and into our memory lane / album :)

Friday, September 11, 2009
Checkup @ Week 31
Last obstetric visit was a non-event. I was attended to by Dr John Su (Su Si Chang) at Clinic C.
Travelled 45 mins there, waited almost an hour, in and out of the Doctor's office in under 5 minutes.
I printed out the revised Birth Plan for the Doctor to follow, only to have him glance at it for 2 secs to figure out what it was, then declare, "Sorry, I'm afraid you cannot follow it."
I defended that I've first cleared it with the nurses at the ante-natal class to see what was feasible in KKH before submitting this plan. Only then did he have a second glance while the attending nurse prepared me for the Doppler scan to hear the baby's heartbeat.
After hearing the heartbeat, the Dr Su explained that what's in my list is already what KK does. There's no need to have the birth plan.
I'm very disappointed at the doctor's initial response. Subsidized patient means part of the fee is paid by government, doesn't mean they're paid any less. How can he discount the service quality as well?
Other than that, he says everything seems smooth so far, and gave me an appointment 4 weeks later. I thought I would be seeing Doctor every 2 weeks from now on, in 3rd trimester, but no, wrong again. Sigh.
Travelled 45 mins there, waited almost an hour, in and out of the Doctor's office in under 5 minutes.
I printed out the revised Birth Plan for the Doctor to follow, only to have him glance at it for 2 secs to figure out what it was, then declare, "Sorry, I'm afraid you cannot follow it."
I defended that I've first cleared it with the nurses at the ante-natal class to see what was feasible in KKH before submitting this plan. Only then did he have a second glance while the attending nurse prepared me for the Doppler scan to hear the baby's heartbeat.
After hearing the heartbeat, the Dr Su explained that what's in my list is already what KK does. There's no need to have the birth plan.
I'm very disappointed at the doctor's initial response. Subsidized patient means part of the fee is paid by government, doesn't mean they're paid any less. How can he discount the service quality as well?
Other than that, he says everything seems smooth so far, and gave me an appointment 4 weeks later. I thought I would be seeing Doctor every 2 weeks from now on, in 3rd trimester, but no, wrong again. Sigh.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ultrasound @ Week 27
This week, I'm scheduled for a Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and a Growth Scan :) Lougong and I are eager to catch another glimpse of baby.
UltraSound Picture

The left one shows back of baby's head and the one on the right, side profile :) Amniotic fluid normal, baby's already turned downward, in good position for vaginal birth :)
Sigh. Am happy.
Add-on: Turned out my OGTT was normal. I was a little worried about this one *phew*
UltraSound Picture

The left one shows back of baby's head and the one on the right, side profile :) Amniotic fluid normal, baby's already turned downward, in good position for vaginal birth :)
Sigh. Am happy.
Add-on: Turned out my OGTT was normal. I was a little worried about this one *phew*
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hospital Bag (pack 2 weeks before EDD)
For Mummy:
For Baby:
After note (added 10 months post natal):
The only stuff I used were...
Asked my husband to bring (after admission/birth)...
Come to think of it, I should've also...
- Pyjamas
- Undergarments
- Medicines which you are currently on e.g. for conditions such as hypertension, diabetes etc.
- Slippers
- Face and bath towels
- Toiletries – toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap and shampoo
- Hair dryers are available upon request. If you are staying in Class A or B1 rooms, you will receive a toiletry bag. You can also buy this bag at our Retail Pharmacy on Level 1.
For Baby:
- 2 baby vests
- 2 pairs of baby mittens and booties
- 2 wrapping blankets for baby
Note: EDD is Expected Delivery Date
After note (added 10 months post natal):
The only stuff I used were...
- Camera,
- slippers (very important, must be easy to put on, coz it's such a pain to move),
- face towels (used hospital's bath towels),
- panties (though come to think of it, bring those old ones that you can throw away, or get disposables) and
- toiletries, for myself,
- one wrap top,
- disposable diapers (48 for 3 days, wipes, hospital 80 pcs was enough for the stay) and
- one receiving blanket for baby.
Asked my husband to bring (after admission/birth)...
- my long cotton scarf for use as wrap and blanket (light),
- one loose long pants, those gowns are really short, and examinations they lift up your gown,
- extra scrunchies, I flushed mine down the toilet accidentally and
- comb (wide tooth), forgot this one in the toiletries list,
- more biscuits and snacks, and
- drinks for those between meals hunger pangs.
Come to think of it, I should've also...
- insisted that my baby be brought to me after the C-section to latch on, I had difficulty trying 1 day after that, thankfully, I'm still breastfeeding at 10 months, and intend to do so until she stops :)
- packed a bottle with straw / spill proof for drinking in bed, without getting up,
- packed one or two books, instead of my PSP Portable (don't need to worry bout losing it),
- packed more fruits (washed) and healthy snacks (dried fruits, muesli bar) and
- listened to my MP3 player more, need to tune out the other visitors.
Pregnancy Symptoms @ Week 23
I went to KK for my check-up appointment. This round, it was relatively fast :)
Doctor asked me if I had...
any concerns/complaints?
any leaking fluids/bleeding?
enough supplements?
And then proceeded to listen to the babies heartbeat using the Doppler machine.
My only concerns were:
1. Numbness in my hands and difficulty (sometimes painful) in bending fingers...
2. Floaters, like worms of silvery light snaking up on my peripheral vision whenever I just get up, sneeze or cough. I read an article in the papers just the day before that this can be dangerous and may indicate a tear in the retina.
Doctor assured me it's normal. Baby's probably pressing on certain nerves causing all these. I should only be concern if my water retention/numbness is accompanied by obvious red inflammation, or high blood pressure.
It concurred with my previous consultation. I'm more at ease now.
Moving on with the remaining 4 months :D
Doctor asked me if I had...
any concerns/complaints?
any leaking fluids/bleeding?
enough supplements?
And then proceeded to listen to the babies heartbeat using the Doppler machine.
My only concerns were:
1. Numbness in my hands and difficulty (sometimes painful) in bending fingers...
2. Floaters, like worms of silvery light snaking up on my peripheral vision whenever I just get up, sneeze or cough. I read an article in the papers just the day before that this can be dangerous and may indicate a tear in the retina.
Doctor assured me it's normal. Baby's probably pressing on certain nerves causing all these. I should only be concern if my water retention/numbness is accompanied by obvious red inflammation, or high blood pressure.
It concurred with my previous consultation. I'm more at ease now.
Moving on with the remaining 4 months :D
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Parenthood Law & Guide List
- The mother of the baby holds the ultimate rights and final say to her baby's child care
- Full breastfeeding on demand for at least 6 months (no other fluid intake) Ref: KK's "Breastfeed: Give your child a headstart"
- No bottle feeding or pacifiers (avoid nipple confusion and difficulty in breasfeeding)
- No hitting / shaking the baby no matter what!
- No honey or non-mother's milk until after 12 months
- Baby signing for communicating needs before baby can talk
- May introduce mashed vegetables and meat with porridge from 7 month onwards (no salt or other additives until 12 months)
- Full time on cloth diapers, unless long distance travelling
- Start potty training when baby can sit upright on her own
Thoughts while expecting
I love children :)
Hmm, maybe not when they misbehave :P
I love children!
We've been waiting and planning for this baby for the longest time :)
After birth I'll take up to 18 months leave to nurse her till she's ready for childcare. Then I'll work part-time, probably half-days :) So that I can spend more time with her.
On Work
So far, my Bosses have no objections to my request and I can take up to 12 months of no-pay leave for childcare, in addition to whatever maternity leave and vacation leave I'm entitled to i.e. minimum 14+ months. I'm so glad. My colleagues have been really kind and supportive during my pregnancy so far. One even offers to buy snacks for me during tea time, almost daily.
Lougong has also agreed that if I am granted the leave, he will support me quite early on. Hope you still remember ;)
On Family Support
Lougong's Mummy's resigning from her waitressing work at the hotel restaurant to help us out after the birth of the Huas' first grandchild. I'm thankful that she's so readily taken up the challenge, sacrificing her social life in KL and coming to Singapore to help out.
From her last visit 2 weeks ago, I could tell, she wouldn't miss the job, but what she will miss most is the socializing on the job, her regular customers, her sisters-in-crime (no lah, just a bunch of really good buddies who's been thru a lot with her) and finally, though she did not say it that obviously, Papa, Ah B and Ah Da. Hee hee, as for Ah Lit, you're going to NUS, and hmm, maybe she'll ask you to come home for dinner during the weekends ;) So, do be prepared to keep your weekend meal times free hor.
Mummy and BB have both been really supportive, reassuring me that all I need is to ask, they'll go along with whatever plans I have. Baba's a little uncertain of how to small talk bout the baby till, maybe, when he can carry the little one in his arms :) They're all coming down after the birth of the baby.
I'd like to have all of you with me when the baby arrives, but my 2 guest rooms can only fit 2 couples +/- 1/2 children comfortably. Need to give accomodation and logistics a little bit more thought.
Hmm, maybe not when they misbehave :P
I love children!
We've been waiting and planning for this baby for the longest time :)
After birth I'll take up to 18 months leave to nurse her till she's ready for childcare. Then I'll work part-time, probably half-days :) So that I can spend more time with her.
On Work
So far, my Bosses have no objections to my request and I can take up to 12 months of no-pay leave for childcare, in addition to whatever maternity leave and vacation leave I'm entitled to i.e. minimum 14+ months. I'm so glad. My colleagues have been really kind and supportive during my pregnancy so far. One even offers to buy snacks for me during tea time, almost daily.
Lougong has also agreed that if I am granted the leave, he will support me quite early on. Hope you still remember ;)
On Family Support
Lougong's Mummy's resigning from her waitressing work at the hotel restaurant to help us out after the birth of the Huas' first grandchild. I'm thankful that she's so readily taken up the challenge, sacrificing her social life in KL and coming to Singapore to help out.
From her last visit 2 weeks ago, I could tell, she wouldn't miss the job, but what she will miss most is the socializing on the job, her regular customers, her sisters-in-crime (no lah, just a bunch of really good buddies who's been thru a lot with her) and finally, though she did not say it that obviously, Papa, Ah B and Ah Da. Hee hee, as for Ah Lit, you're going to NUS, and hmm, maybe she'll ask you to come home for dinner during the weekends ;) So, do be prepared to keep your weekend meal times free hor.
Mummy and BB have both been really supportive, reassuring me that all I need is to ask, they'll go along with whatever plans I have. Baba's a little uncertain of how to small talk bout the baby till, maybe, when he can carry the little one in his arms :) They're all coming down after the birth of the baby.
I'd like to have all of you with me when the baby arrives, but my 2 guest rooms can only fit 2 couples +/- 1/2 children comfortably. Need to give accomodation and logistics a little bit more thought.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
We've passed the 20 week mark!
Half way there already!
My tummy is noticeably bigger, the baby's movements are unmistakeably more distinct now. And most importantly, this Thursday, 25/6, Lougong felt the baby move for the first time just before sleeping. We were expecting to feel it, like the book said for 1st timers, between 21-23 weeks.
Work's been quite demanding. Although I have finally been able to sleep thru the night at the start of this week i.e. Monday, I'm still pretty worn out by the end of the day. Hopefully, after next week, some normalcy would resume and I can begin my exercises and cooking again :)
This is also the week that the numbness I've been feeling on/off the past 2 weeks become more intense. Checked out with the doctor, she says it's water retention. I've been feeling numb in my feet and hands, especially in the night, my right hand actually hurts when I grasp the bolster or the toothbrush in the morning. It's like wearing a very tight glove, and hurts like your nerves are going to break on stretching. Doctor confirmed my suspicion of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), guess the recent weeks of work aggravated the symptoms with increased use of the mouse & keyboard doing all the system testing. Oh and by the end of the day, my feet, the toe half, feels as if there's very cold chilly rubbed on it. Doctor, being conservative, wanted to prescribe me medication to alleviate the symptoms, but as long as it's not something detrimental to the fetus or myself, just discomfort, I'd rather go without it. She agreed with me and let me off without the prescription.
Lougong's been really caring, bringing me whatever I need, massaging my feet, though he previously believed my numbness was because I slept on my hand :P Since the doctor confirmed it, he's been more symphatetic :)
Sigh, feeling the baby move, has been my perk of this whole week.
Kept feeling my tummy for the baby's movement. Sometimes, so frequent and often, it seems like she's putting up a show, disco dancing or something in there :D
My tummy is noticeably bigger, the baby's movements are unmistakeably more distinct now. And most importantly, this Thursday, 25/6, Lougong felt the baby move for the first time just before sleeping. We were expecting to feel it, like the book said for 1st timers, between 21-23 weeks.
Work's been quite demanding. Although I have finally been able to sleep thru the night at the start of this week i.e. Monday, I'm still pretty worn out by the end of the day. Hopefully, after next week, some normalcy would resume and I can begin my exercises and cooking again :)
This is also the week that the numbness I've been feeling on/off the past 2 weeks become more intense. Checked out with the doctor, she says it's water retention. I've been feeling numb in my feet and hands, especially in the night, my right hand actually hurts when I grasp the bolster or the toothbrush in the morning. It's like wearing a very tight glove, and hurts like your nerves are going to break on stretching. Doctor confirmed my suspicion of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), guess the recent weeks of work aggravated the symptoms with increased use of the mouse & keyboard doing all the system testing. Oh and by the end of the day, my feet, the toe half, feels as if there's very cold chilly rubbed on it. Doctor, being conservative, wanted to prescribe me medication to alleviate the symptoms, but as long as it's not something detrimental to the fetus or myself, just discomfort, I'd rather go without it. She agreed with me and let me off without the prescription.
Lougong's been really caring, bringing me whatever I need, massaging my feet, though he previously believed my numbness was because I slept on my hand :P Since the doctor confirmed it, he's been more symphatetic :)
Sigh, feeling the baby move, has been my perk of this whole week.
Kept feeling my tummy for the baby's movement. Sometimes, so frequent and often, it seems like she's putting up a show, disco dancing or something in there :D
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ultrasound @ Week 19
This week, we're due for the Fetal Anomaly Scan.
The ultrasonographer, Ms Sun Lee, scanned our baby for us.
The baby started out curled up and with back facing us, but she turned after a trip to empty my painfully full bladder and coughing a loudly :)
This scan wasn't as fun as the previous ones.
A little apprehension as she went thru the list, heart, kidneys, brain, femur length, arm length (not sure bout this one), abdomen, umbilical cord, placenta, and finally, the gender of the baby :)
Ms Sun is quite nice, giving us a running commentary as she went along :)
Here are some shots for us to take home!
Clockwise (from top left):
1. The baby slightly tilted to her left, other arm seem to be playing with the umbilical cord.
2. A front profile of her face :) Hmm, skeletal structure, looks a little like Lougong, big cheek bones, maybe Lougong's nice nice fair complexion too!
3. Baby with hand held up toward face, shadow of both legs :)
4. Side profile of baby face :) Lovely!

And yes, I *AM* right!
We have a little girl!
The ultrasonographer, Ms Sun Lee, scanned our baby for us.
The baby started out curled up and with back facing us, but she turned after a trip to empty my painfully full bladder and coughing a loudly :)
This scan wasn't as fun as the previous ones.
A little apprehension as she went thru the list, heart, kidneys, brain, femur length, arm length (not sure bout this one), abdomen, umbilical cord, placenta, and finally, the gender of the baby :)
Ms Sun is quite nice, giving us a running commentary as she went along :)
Here are some shots for us to take home!
Clockwise (from top left):
1. The baby slightly tilted to her left, other arm seem to be playing with the umbilical cord.
2. A front profile of her face :) Hmm, skeletal structure, looks a little like Lougong, big cheek bones, maybe Lougong's nice nice fair complexion too!
3. Baby with hand held up toward face, shadow of both legs :)
4. Side profile of baby face :) Lovely!

And yes, I *AM* right!
We have a little girl!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Week 17 Bleeding, bed rest
This morning, woke up about 5:30am, went to toilet to pee, wiped, brown discharge again. Last night after shower, pee, quite a lot, with mucus.
2 days ago, experienced splitting cramps, like something's gonna break. Toa Payoh GP checked out and wrote referral to KK. KK Dr Chua checked heart beat, abdoment, and viewed inside the vagina. Checked with her 'senior doctor' and informed probably muscle pull.
Worried, trying not to so much.
Gave me progesterone injection and medication to 'stabilize' my endometrium. The injection was a very viscous (more like vicious and painful) one, the nurse warned me. While she was injecting me, her hands started shaking while pushing second half of the syringe contents into my left thigh :P It felt a little painful, but seeing her shake also makes me want to laugh, seems like she's hurting more than me :) So I joked around with the nurse about it.
At home, check everytime I pee, so far, only 1 show, more like brown urine on tissue.
Hope baby's alright, we'll pull thru this.
2 days ago, experienced splitting cramps, like something's gonna break. Toa Payoh GP checked out and wrote referral to KK. KK Dr Chua checked heart beat, abdoment, and viewed inside the vagina. Checked with her 'senior doctor' and informed probably muscle pull.
Worried, trying not to so much.
Gave me progesterone injection and medication to 'stabilize' my endometrium. The injection was a very viscous (more like vicious and painful) one, the nurse warned me. While she was injecting me, her hands started shaking while pushing second half of the syringe contents into my left thigh :P It felt a little painful, but seeing her shake also makes me want to laugh, seems like she's hurting more than me :) So I joked around with the nurse about it.
At home, check everytime I pee, so far, only 1 show, more like brown urine on tissue.
Hope baby's alright, we'll pull thru this.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Week 16 Such a long wait
to the next appointment on 15 Jun!
So so so tempted to go Dr Wong's clinic nearby to get a 3D.
Lougong doesn't like the idea. Didn't say why :(
My colleagues, majority guesses boy, 1 guessed girl.
Plus me, that's 2 :)
And just now, Cerys, that's 3.
Hee hee, just 2 weeks ++ more to the next Ultrasound!!!
Oh, I fell asleep siting in the IKEA chair and was dreaming away with 1 leg propped up on the arm, the other on the cool floor, in between air flow from the kitchen to the front door :)
It's that easy for me to fall asleep.
So so so tempted to go Dr Wong's clinic nearby to get a 3D.
Lougong doesn't like the idea. Didn't say why :(
My colleagues, majority guesses boy, 1 guessed girl.
Plus me, that's 2 :)
And just now, Cerys, that's 3.
Hee hee, just 2 weeks ++ more to the next Ultrasound!!!
Oh, I fell asleep siting in the IKEA chair and was dreaming away with 1 leg propped up on the arm, the other on the cool floor, in between air flow from the kitchen to the front door :)
It's that easy for me to fall asleep.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Threw up for the first time @ 0100hrs
Aiyoh, sayang, we had dinner @ New York New York, AMK Hub, really enjoyed the mud pie with ice cream, long island salmon steak, a bit of Lougong's Hawaii Teriyaki Chicken...
Too bad, I threw up all of it, including some undigested nasi padang assam fish and vegetable at lunch. Uncontrollable, before I could lift the toilet seat, vomit was convulsing up my throat already. Tried to suppress it but too late, quickly aimed at the basin and thankfully none spilled out. However, the vomit filled the basin almost to the brim.
Totally grossed out.
Drank a glass of water and sucked on a preserved plum before going to sleep again.
Still, it says somewhere, this means baby is thriving on the growth hormones, so, some consolation lah :P Previously so worried no nausea / morning sickness, so, be careful what you wished for, it might come true!
Ok, back to mess. Dear dear dear Lougong took care of it. I'm really grateful. I don't know how he does it, can even tell me he saw rice! :P
Lovely Lougong, Thank You for being so understanding & helpful!!
Too bad, I threw up all of it, including some undigested nasi padang assam fish and vegetable at lunch. Uncontrollable, before I could lift the toilet seat, vomit was convulsing up my throat already. Tried to suppress it but too late, quickly aimed at the basin and thankfully none spilled out. However, the vomit filled the basin almost to the brim.
Totally grossed out.
Drank a glass of water and sucked on a preserved plum before going to sleep again.
Still, it says somewhere, this means baby is thriving on the growth hormones, so, some consolation lah :P Previously so worried no nausea / morning sickness, so, be careful what you wished for, it might come true!
Ok, back to mess. Dear dear dear Lougong took care of it. I'm really grateful. I don't know how he does it, can even tell me he saw rice! :P
Lovely Lougong, Thank You for being so understanding & helpful!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Week 14 Heartbeat heard
This morning, woke up by diarrhea before 0630hrs. Must've been the leftover coleslaw from lunch that I ate for dinner...
We got a morning appointment, 0940hrs, reached @ 0930hrs.
We waited until 12:15 before we saw the doctor. Today it is almost a lady doctor, Evelyn, until they changed the sign on the room door to Dr Eugene Huang. Sigh.
My blood test confirmed I am a beta thallasemia carrier. We brought Lougong's past health screening results, and he examined the haemoglobin section, his report was clear :) So, Dr Huang advised that our baby will definitely not have thallasemia major, and 25% chance of being a carrier.
This doctor was more patient and warm, however, he appeared quite green, confirming with the nurse every now and then on what's next. :P It's okay lah, I don't mind, better careful than sorry, we all have to start somewhere ;)
Then he scanned for heartbeat, at first, I hear a slow pulsing sound, then he found it, the galloping sound of the baby's heart beat!!! Wow, it sounded really like a horse's gallop! Sigh :) That's enough for me.
We were a little disappointed we didn't get an ultrasound that day. Lougong and I were and still are debating the gender of the baby and can't wait to be proven right! Maybe the next one, it's 5 weeks from now...
We got a morning appointment, 0940hrs, reached @ 0930hrs.
We waited until 12:15 before we saw the doctor. Today it is almost a lady doctor, Evelyn, until they changed the sign on the room door to Dr Eugene Huang. Sigh.
My blood test confirmed I am a beta thallasemia carrier. We brought Lougong's past health screening results, and he examined the haemoglobin section, his report was clear :) So, Dr Huang advised that our baby will definitely not have thallasemia major, and 25% chance of being a carrier.
This doctor was more patient and warm, however, he appeared quite green, confirming with the nurse every now and then on what's next. :P It's okay lah, I don't mind, better careful than sorry, we all have to start somewhere ;)
Then he scanned for heartbeat, at first, I hear a slow pulsing sound, then he found it, the galloping sound of the baby's heart beat!!! Wow, it sounded really like a horse's gallop! Sigh :) That's enough for me.
We were a little disappointed we didn't get an ultrasound that day. Lougong and I were and still are debating the gender of the baby and can't wait to be proven right! Maybe the next one, it's 5 weeks from now...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Ultrasound @ Week 12
Today, we went for our Downs Syndrome (DS) screening test. The sonographer mentioned we can see the nose bone in picture 1 & 2, that is a good sign, as most DS babies' nasal bone do not fuse properly until quite late.
On 3 & 4, the fetus' leg and right hand can be seen in the shadows. It kept turning and moving around that the sonographer couldn't get a good look @ the neck area. Asked me to cough a few times to make the fetus change position again. Its left hand is behind/under its head :P Looks like me sleeping. Both Lougong and I can see the spine and all the back bones when the baby turned.

I think I saw it sucking its thumb and sticking out it's tounge, asked the sonographer if its possible thats the tounge and she said, it's possible! Just had Belgium Chocolate gelato ice cream after lunch, guess it can taste that and it likes it very much.
Ah, so happy :)
On 3 & 4, the fetus' leg and right hand can be seen in the shadows. It kept turning and moving around that the sonographer couldn't get a good look @ the neck area. Asked me to cough a few times to make the fetus change position again. Its left hand is behind/under its head :P Looks like me sleeping. Both Lougong and I can see the spine and all the back bones when the baby turned.

I think I saw it sucking its thumb and sticking out it's tounge, asked the sonographer if its possible thats the tounge and she said, it's possible! Just had Belgium Chocolate gelato ice cream after lunch, guess it can taste that and it likes it very much.
Ah, so happy :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Ultrasound @ 11 weeks
I wasn't feeling well, diarrhea yesterday, went to check out with Gynae Link @ Admiralty. I'm so glad I did. Dr Don Wong was really patient and answered all my questions with a lot of details and assurance. Thank you, Dr Wong!
And look, another US photo :P
This time, I'm really very excited. The fetus was moving!!! It stretched it's hands, turned its sideways towards & away from us, then kicked out both legs alternatingly, as if to show this worry-wart of a Mummy-to-be here, that it's fine & kicking!
I'm so happy! Thank you, little one :D
You can see the legs, a faint shadow of a palm on top of the middle of tummy. The head with eye sockets, jaws, nose outline!

N.B. I'm starting a pregnancy journal, more for noting all the long-winded questions and answers I have. Also to allay any fears in case I forget I've got it clarified with a doctor already.
And look, another US photo :P
This time, I'm really very excited. The fetus was moving!!! It stretched it's hands, turned its sideways towards & away from us, then kicked out both legs alternatingly, as if to show this worry-wart of a Mummy-to-be here, that it's fine & kicking!
I'm so happy! Thank you, little one :D
You can see the legs, a faint shadow of a palm on top of the middle of tummy. The head with eye sockets, jaws, nose outline!

N.B. I'm starting a pregnancy journal, more for noting all the long-winded questions and answers I have. Also to allay any fears in case I forget I've got it clarified with a doctor already.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Missed call from KK
I had a missed call during work hours.
KK called Lougong instead.
Lougong messaged, "Blood test indicated low blood count. Collect iron supplements from Clinic C4 this Thursday."
First thing that crossed my mind, maybe they thought all Thallasemia should take iron. Have to confirm that tomorrow by calling back.
I don't want to take iron tablets, I'm already constipated as it is. Iron causes constipation AND gastric :(
I so so so hope that we can clear it up and I don't have to take iron. I'm usually good enough to even donate blood!
Also, gotta check that blood sugar test results.
Hope it's good.
KK called Lougong instead.
Lougong messaged, "Blood test indicated low blood count. Collect iron supplements from Clinic C4 this Thursday."
First thing that crossed my mind, maybe they thought all Thallasemia should take iron. Have to confirm that tomorrow by calling back.
I don't want to take iron tablets, I'm already constipated as it is. Iron causes constipation AND gastric :(
I so so so hope that we can clear it up and I don't have to take iron. I'm usually good enough to even donate blood!
Also, gotta check that blood sugar test results.
Hope it's good.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Second Ultrasound @ 10.3 Weeks
Today, we were upgraded, sort of, to Clinic C from Clinic D and was attended to by a Dr Tan Thiam Chye, whom we were informed, had his own private clinic.
I had mixed feelings after this visit.
I was due for a "dating/viability" ultrasound scan and waited 30 mins to see a Ms Aloka who seemed in a hurry.
This US (ultrasound) photo shows her measuring the CRL, crown to rump length.

This US photo shows her measuring my uterus both ways.

This one shows LSUT.

And this one, shows where the little one's heart is beating :) Ms Aloka says it's too early to tell head from tail, so, the arrow just points to a beating heart.

My urine tested +++ for glucose and the nurse who interpreted the strip exclaimed, "Wah, you diabetic ah!" On afterthought, that was quite insensitive. I defended, I had a glass of orange juice. Less than an hour ago @ 1430hrs. Had the urine test about 1530hrs.
Saw Dr Tan close to 1630hrs. Quick consultation, he also seemed in a hurry and perfunctory. Asked me if I had any nausea, vomitting, flu symptoms, and I had to pause to catch up with him, before answering "no". Then he just says, "good". And asked if I had been taking any folic acid and supplements, I answered "Yes, and Obimin", but I don't think he heard I only had 2 weeks' supply left because after that he'll see me in 4 weeks and no prescription.
Dr Tan did ask if we were interested to take some tests (US & blood) for Downs Syndrome, costs about $150 only, I looked @ Lougong and he piped, yes. So, after that we were sent for counselling and took up the 1st test package, a detailed US scan.
After that, I went for a blood test, which included a glycosylated blood test. I'm assuming that's for the average blood sugar for past 3 months, after the +++ glucose urine test. Hope that turns out ok.
So, there. Mixed feelings.
I had mixed feelings after this visit.
I was due for a "dating/viability" ultrasound scan and waited 30 mins to see a Ms Aloka who seemed in a hurry.
This US (ultrasound) photo shows her measuring the CRL, crown to rump length.

This US photo shows her measuring my uterus both ways.

This one shows LSUT.

And this one, shows where the little one's heart is beating :) Ms Aloka says it's too early to tell head from tail, so, the arrow just points to a beating heart.

My urine tested +++ for glucose and the nurse who interpreted the strip exclaimed, "Wah, you diabetic ah!" On afterthought, that was quite insensitive. I defended, I had a glass of orange juice. Less than an hour ago @ 1430hrs. Had the urine test about 1530hrs.
Saw Dr Tan close to 1630hrs. Quick consultation, he also seemed in a hurry and perfunctory. Asked me if I had any nausea, vomitting, flu symptoms, and I had to pause to catch up with him, before answering "no". Then he just says, "good". And asked if I had been taking any folic acid and supplements, I answered "Yes, and Obimin", but I don't think he heard I only had 2 weeks' supply left because after that he'll see me in 4 weeks and no prescription.
Dr Tan did ask if we were interested to take some tests (US & blood) for Downs Syndrome, costs about $150 only, I looked @ Lougong and he piped, yes. So, after that we were sent for counselling and took up the 1st test package, a detailed US scan.
After that, I went for a blood test, which included a glycosylated blood test. I'm assuming that's for the average blood sugar for past 3 months, after the +++ glucose urine test. Hope that turns out ok.
So, there. Mixed feelings.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thank goodness, no morning sickness so far :)
I'm so so SO thankful that I'm not feeling nauseated and throwing up.
Though I do feel a bit concerned from the lack of the these symptoms.
Even the doctor prescribed me with medication for nausea, though I didn't need it yet, so far.
And no moodiness/rage outbreaks. In fact, I feel quite contented to let things be, that all will be fine sooner or later :)
Come to think of it, I haven't many pregnancy symptoms to complain about, aside from...
lots of involuntary (ok, sometimes, I juz wanna let it out :P) loud obnoxious burps and belches,
falling asleep by nine plus @ night on sofa in front of TV,
constant yawning away during certain times of the day,
quicker more striking hunger pangs,
tender and sore breasts,
expanding waistline (ops, that's just me, not the little one, yet :P),
and occassional waking up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet...
I'm actually coping quite okay (except for the strong urges to tell Mummy Baba BB everytime I talk / chat with them) with my 1st trimester :)
Oh and I've got control of my lower belly muscles back! Previously it felt crammed all the time and gave me stitches when I try to twist and turn even the slightest bit. Now I can even gyrate my hips to Butterfly by Crazy Town :P
Lougong assured me every pregnancy is different. I believe him ;)
Though I do feel a bit concerned from the lack of the these symptoms.
Even the doctor prescribed me with medication for nausea, though I didn't need it yet, so far.
And no moodiness/rage outbreaks. In fact, I feel quite contented to let things be, that all will be fine sooner or later :)
Come to think of it, I haven't many pregnancy symptoms to complain about, aside from...
lots of involuntary (ok, sometimes, I juz wanna let it out :P) loud obnoxious burps and belches,
falling asleep by nine plus @ night on sofa in front of TV,
constant yawning away during certain times of the day,
quicker more striking hunger pangs,
tender and sore breasts,
expanding waistline (ops, that's just me, not the little one, yet :P),
and occassional waking up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet...
I'm actually coping quite okay (except for the strong urges to tell Mummy Baba BB everytime I talk / chat with them) with my 1st trimester :)
Oh and I've got control of my lower belly muscles back! Previously it felt crammed all the time and gave me stitches when I try to twist and turn even the slightest bit. Now I can even gyrate my hips to Butterfly by Crazy Town :P
Lougong assured me every pregnancy is different. I believe him ;)
Thursday, April 09, 2009
NATURE Blessing!
Thank you to the NATURE, my Dearest Loupo, my grandparents, my parents, my parents-in-law, my brothers and of coz ME, myself.
Thank you to the QI LIN, BUDDHAs, MOON, SUN, and again the NATURE.
Thank you to the QI LIN, BUDDHAs, MOON, SUN, and again the NATURE.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Week-by-week Pregnancy Guides
This site addresses changes happening to Mum very briefly, suggests what Dads can do, and info on Baby development. Illustrations shows what is happening in Mum's body.
This one is organized to what to expect for Mum, Dad and what is happening to Baby. It's got annotated ultrasound scan images for almost every week :)
Lots of information on fetal development, 3D and 2D ultrasound scan images.
This site addresses changes happening to Mum very briefly, suggests what Dads can do, and info on Baby development. Illustrations shows what is happening in Mum's body.
This one is organized to what to expect for Mum, Dad and what is happening to Baby. It's got annotated ultrasound scan images for almost every week :)
Lots of information on fetal development, 3D and 2D ultrasound scan images.
On co-sleeping with babies...
Safe Bed
Parents who are sick and on medication should also avoid co-sleeping (risk spreading the virus to baby; medicines consumed may put her into a deep slumber, making it difficult for her to wake up in the night if the baby cries.)
Size and Weight Issues
Bed sharing definitely becomes more dangerous for the baby if one or both of her parents are large and overweight. If the baby rolls towards mum or if mum’s weight leaves a big impression in the mattress when both are on the mattress, the chances of the baby being crushed and smothered are very high.
- large enough to accommodate mum, dad and baby
- king size mattress placed on the floor away from wall would be ideal
- flat and firm mattress
- use a fitted bed sheet
- avoid extra pillows, comforters or blankets
- no bedding items for new born (they should be dressed warmly)
- baby should be put between mum and the edge of bed (if on floor), wall or guardrails
- if mum is a very sound sleeper, a crib next to the bed is a much better option.
Parents who are sick and on medication should also avoid co-sleeping (risk spreading the virus to baby; medicines consumed may put her into a deep slumber, making it difficult for her to wake up in the night if the baby cries.)
Size and Weight Issues
Bed sharing definitely becomes more dangerous for the baby if one or both of her parents are large and overweight. If the baby rolls towards mum or if mum’s weight leaves a big impression in the mattress when both are on the mattress, the chances of the baby being crushed and smothered are very high.
Week 9: Pins & needles on breasts
It' quite painful. Got it couple of a times while getting up from napping on sofa since Sunday. Searched the web, says it's caused by breasts producing milk.
Finally, I can see the the large green veins are all over the breasts... :P Funny, I thought it actually looks like tattoo of vines... anyway, read in Week 10, this could happen ;)
Am reading "the complete illustrated pregnancy companion (week-by-week guide to everything you need to do for a healthy pregnancy) by Robin Elise Weiss". I keep referring back, to the earlier weeks as new signs appear. I should be keeping 'notes' so that I know what to expect when I return the book.
Finally, I can see the the large green veins are all over the breasts... :P Funny, I thought it actually looks like tattoo of vines... anyway, read in Week 10, this could happen ;)
Am reading "the complete illustrated pregnancy companion (week-by-week guide to everything you need to do for a healthy pregnancy) by Robin Elise Weiss". I keep referring back, to the earlier weeks as new signs appear. I should be keeping 'notes' so that I know what to expect when I return the book.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
After 1st Ultrasound Thoughts
Aiyah, forgot to get a copy of the ultrasound pic :P
And forgot to mention, expected due date (estimated again), 12 Nov 09!
Hee hee, it's not the pregnant brain, it's just me :P
Wow, this little one is hard to come by and I'm so grateful.
It's been up the Great Wall of China with me, minus 15 degrees Celcius @ ChengDe, and 3 days of severe diarrhea with me in it's early conception.
And I've carried both Cerys and Rhona @ the Port Dickson trip 16 Mar 09. Eh, I'm not complaining, but heard pregnant women aren't suppose to lift heavy stuff. Hee hee... don't dare to anymore ;)
Lougong says "This is one tough baby-to-be!"
It's really hard to keep it a secret from Mummy, Baba, BB, and Lougong's whole family too.
We made an agreement, in the 12th week, 3 May 09, we can announce it then. I can't wait!
That's what this blog is about. I want to share it with all our loved ones when I can and hope they don't feel left out :)
And forgot to mention, expected due date (estimated again), 12 Nov 09!
Hee hee, it's not the pregnant brain, it's just me :P
Wow, this little one is hard to come by and I'm so grateful.
It's been up the Great Wall of China with me, minus 15 degrees Celcius @ ChengDe, and 3 days of severe diarrhea with me in it's early conception.
And I've carried both Cerys and Rhona @ the Port Dickson trip 16 Mar 09. Eh, I'm not complaining, but heard pregnant women aren't suppose to lift heavy stuff. Hee hee... don't dare to anymore ;)
Lougong says "This is one tough baby-to-be!"
It's really hard to keep it a secret from Mummy, Baba, BB, and Lougong's whole family too.
We made an agreement, in the 12th week, 3 May 09, we can announce it then. I can't wait!
That's what this blog is about. I want to share it with all our loved ones when I can and hope they don't feel left out :)
First Ultrasound @ 8 Weeks (estimate)
We made the appointment on Monday for today, after another positive home pregnancy test (remember, the twin pack) and Lougong is more convinced it's real now.

Dr Kelly Loi was going thru our files, saying about the the tubes and options, when hubby impatiently said, "But, we don't need to look at those any more. We've managed to conceive already."
I'm so happy, Lougong used to take a back seat, but now he's taken the initiative to speak up first!
Dr Loi looked up, and congratulated us. Asked us a few questions, last period 19 Jan 09, last tested, Sun i.e. 29 Mar 09. Then she said what we're both looking forward to. "Let's take a look on the ultrasound" :) Ah...
I was afraid it was the vaginal kind, or the drink till you're bloated kind, and it turns out this is the first time I needed neither. She just squeezed out the gel and placed the scanner on my lower tummy and there it was. A beating heart! And a little shadow of a baby with the feeding sack on top. I felt elated! I wanted to turn and touch the screen, but, you guessed it, the moment I moved, the ultrasound lost sight :P So excited. The doctor took 2 snap shots and estimated 8 weeks and "Very good! Well done!". Grins on me all the way back from hospital.

Dr Kelly Loi was going thru our files, saying about the the tubes and options, when hubby impatiently said, "But, we don't need to look at those any more. We've managed to conceive already."
I'm so happy, Lougong used to take a back seat, but now he's taken the initiative to speak up first!
Dr Loi looked up, and congratulated us. Asked us a few questions, last period 19 Jan 09, last tested, Sun i.e. 29 Mar 09. Then she said what we're both looking forward to. "Let's take a look on the ultrasound" :) Ah...
I was afraid it was the vaginal kind, or the drink till you're bloated kind, and it turns out this is the first time I needed neither. She just squeezed out the gel and placed the scanner on my lower tummy and there it was. A beating heart! And a little shadow of a baby with the feeding sack on top. I felt elated! I wanted to turn and touch the screen, but, you guessed it, the moment I moved, the ultrasound lost sight :P So excited. The doctor took 2 snap shots and estimated 8 weeks and "Very good! Well done!". Grins on me all the way back from hospital.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Happy Anniversary & the Best Gift Ever!

It's been quite long now since my last period. Maybe this time, I thought, we might get lucky. My breasts were sore for quite some time already. Especially since before our trip to Beijing in February.
I bought the double pack of Home Pregnancy Test kits from Guardian last week. Lougong says to wait another week. So I waited until today.
This morning, I woke @ 7:30am, took the test kit, read the instructions then went to squat and urinate on the stick. It was quick. The 1st line came out fast & furious. The 2nd line faded in. Both lines are colored!! It's a positive!!! I hurried to sleeping Lougong, who's probably bracing himself for bad news when I whispered breathlessly, "Lougong, happy anniversary. Come and see :)". Rather slowly, he dragged himself out of bed and went into the bathroom, ruffled hair and sleepy eyes.
The first question he asked was, "Did you do the test correctly?" and I said, "Yeah", I read the instructions. Then he frowned, went thru the instructions, 'grill' me some more on how I did it, and finally smiled :)
I'm happy, but not as excited as I imagined I would be. Mainly coz I only started taking folic acid 2-3 weeks ago when I realized how long it's been since my last period. And the fact that I had severe diarrhea in Beijing from taking street "pig organs" soup.
Now, I'm just silently grateful for this wish that's coming true.
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