Dr Kelly Loi was going thru our files, saying about the the tubes and options, when hubby impatiently said, "But, we don't need to look at those any more. We've managed to conceive already."
I'm so happy, Lougong used to take a back seat, but now he's taken the initiative to speak up first!
Dr Loi looked up, and congratulated us. Asked us a few questions, last period 19 Jan 09, last tested, Sun i.e. 29 Mar 09. Then she said what we're both looking forward to. "Let's take a look on the ultrasound" :) Ah...
I was afraid it was the vaginal kind, or the drink till you're bloated kind, and it turns out this is the first time I needed neither. She just squeezed out the gel and placed the scanner on my lower tummy and there it was. A beating heart! And a little shadow of a baby with the feeding sack on top. I felt elated! I wanted to turn and touch the screen, but, you guessed it, the moment I moved, the ultrasound lost sight :P So excited. The doctor took 2 snap shots and estimated 8 weeks and "Very good! Well done!". Grins on me all the way back from hospital.
and YOU were the one who was telling me how you thought it was, hmm, what was it you said already ar?