Monday, March 29, 2010

Potting Ning Ning @ 4.5 months

Last Thu, while on the phone with Mummy, Ning Ning was straining to poo. Mummy asked what Ning Ning was doing, and I told her. Mummy then ask me to pot her because she's a 'clean baby' and doesn't like to go in her diaper. Sure enough, the moment I position her over the potty and go 'shhh', she peed, and poo'd shortly after. I was quite pleasantly surprised.
Whenever she shows sign of wanting to go, I'd put her to the potty. She can't or don't like to sit on the potty yet so I'd have to hold her between my legs and aim for the potty :P Sometimes, the poo almost shoots over the edge of the potty on to the wall or floor. There were a few close calls :P
I borrowed a book from the library called the Diaper Free Baby which talks about elimination communication (EC), Sis (thanks :P) talks about this but I chanced upon it by a different title, to find out how this 'potting' works and was only half way thru when the above happened. I intended to only start after finishing the book, and only part time i.e. don't potty at night, sleep more important. However, she intended otherwise.
Now she waits for me to pot her and won't do it in the diaper at all, sometimes whining (oh did I say she started whining recently after our trip to Malaysia the week before) until we do or until she cannot stand it anymore! Last night, she didn't go back to sleep until I potted her, she peed and poo'd then drank back to sleep shortly after. Yesterday we changed 6 diapers a day, mostly at night or when she's napping.
I still think washing diapers is easier than holding her over the potty, then cleaning the potty. Yeah, I know I should be so happy that my baby's willing to go in the potty, so call me spoilt. So I'm looking for strong reasons to keep me going this early like...
- less diapers to scrub (not really persuasive),
- no need to buy disposables when she goes into child care (I checked they won't use cloth diapers even with diaper cover)
- less diapers (just for backup) to bring out / when traveling, and
- when she is mobile, she'll scoot herself over to the potty and I'll just sit her in it!
Ok, now back to the baby again :D

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