Saturday, July 10, 2010

Crawling, commando style, in sight @ 7.5+m

She demonstrated her crawling twice yesterday, when I was busy with the telephone and another time with putting away the camera.

She was like, whoa, making these exaggerated movements, landing quite roughly each time she rocks her body from side to side to make front movements. Actually, it looks more like a boat rocking sideways twice and one big forward rock. Must give her more motivation to move i.e. more attractive stuff to move towards e.g. my mobile phone (we allow her to hold and fidget with it, but strictly no mouthing) :P

She's got a bruise the size of a pea under her chin, I wonder if it's from the crawling. Or the fall from mattress on Thursday morning. She didn't cry if, and when she fell. Papa found her in the middle of the floor on her tummy by the time she did cry.

Recently, she's been showing off her strength by kicking everything including the heavy pillows off the bed. Mummy's pillow almost landed in the potty or on the "puddle" of spilt pee on the floor at the foot of the bed. At the high chair, she's dropping and watching stuff roll on the floor. Mummy's exhausted from picking things up, so unless it's urgent or needed, it'll stay on the floor for the mean time.

Yesterday, she again lunged backwards until the foot of the bed. I watched. She wasn't alarmed. She placed her feet down, bounced a few times, as if testing if the floor will give way. And then Ning lifted her upper body off the mattress with her hands holding onto the mattress, and stood there for a bit, just bouncing and smiling at me. Then, she plonked her tiny backside down on the floor, a little too quickly, she had a surprised frown, she looked at me as if I'm responsible for it.

Way to go!

Hope she does this whenever she wants to get off the bed.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, clever little girl, like mummy, like daughter!
