Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Licensed to cruise

She started by pulling up to stand last week. Both legs rooted to the floor.

She's now tip toeing and lifting each foot above the floor, not necessarily towards her intended direction, leaning until her feet are brought nearer her destination. Sometimes, she'd successfully moved one or two feet away this way.

Since she started this, I haven't been tracking her crawl mileage. Doman says 400m per day to properly complete that development phase. I believe it too, will try harder. Its just so tiring to crawl around with her and swing your buttocks in the air like her. Toys placed out of reach doesn't work that well when there's so much of our stuff within reach that she'd much rather try get.


Maybe she can stand without support soon. She's been letting go for 2s. Maybe she'll walk by her first birthday? The grandparents will sure be busy the next time we visit.

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