Saturday, January 15, 2011

First time @ SSC Water Playground

We went after lunching at Ajisen, about 2pm. It was cloudy and drizzling on and off.

The playground flooring is shock absorbent type. There were lots of water jets and features, as well as a sheltered play area with slides, climbing rope nets as well as rotary play things.

In the beginning, Ning just watched, there were so many children running and shouting, most of them much bigger than she was. Then she walked towards the water features.

She'd skirted around those water jets shooting from the floor for a while. Then, she leaned over to take a look at where the supposed hose was, only to have her face shot by the jets. She laughed. Then, having wet her feet (and face), she ran over two or three jets getting all wet, until this big boy released a jet he was plugging with his foot, just as Ning ran over, the water shot into her nose, I think. That's when she cried, the complaint kind, "Hey, Mummy, that water jet wasn't suppose to come into my nose!" and have Mummy pick her up. She sneezed a few times, naturally, to expel the offending fluids from her nasal cavities.

After that, we went around looking for less "violent" water fountains and found one with slow streams flowing out in a spiral. There she stayed quite long trying to grasp the streams of water and smiling all the way, until Mummy noticed she was shivering. Mummy asked, are you cold? Do you want stop, change clothes and go home? She shook her head, determined to catch that stream of water.

Mummy decided it was long enough, didn't want her to catch a cold on her first play trip at the water playground.

After that, we went to Daiso and before long, she was tired. She fell asleep in Mummy's arms while nursing at 5:30pm and went straight to bed when we reached home.

Hee hee, I think there'll be more visits to Sembawang Shopping Centre in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we should visit SSC more often for the splashing fun! It's just nearby!
