Ning was unhappily watching TV sitting on the edge of the play mat. She said she wished there was no baby, so that there is no playmat, then she can pull out her table into her usual spot right in the middle of our living room, and TV. I suppressed my response, on telling her not to say or think such unkind thoughts and tried to make her more enthusiastic about the mat by saying she also can lie on it watch TV with cushions and pillows. The Baba immediately killed whatever joy she was beginning to see in that by saying, "If tired, then go in and sleep, not watch TV." Lougong, when you were young, did you always sat up or stood up to watch TV?! Please be fair lah, lighten up. If it's late, then ok. But if it's her TV time, what's wrong with lying down?
So... As I was saying...
A newly cleared study area dedicated to my Mummy's dearest, Ning's academic pursuits! Homework laid out in plain sight for her to 'clear' before play!
Limited space, otherwise would prefer her to face the white board. We can always pull it out to face her when it's required.
Lighting, will see how she uses the place, then improvise along with her.
Will need to cordone off living from dining room, so that the space to make baby friendly is also limited. Now I can pull out more baby stuff for baby. And Ning can have her space!
Not sure if this will work, share a pic of your kids work spaces? I need more inspiration!