Friday, November 26, 2010

She's climbed up the IKEA bench and tried...

to climb up the sofa and the normal bed.
Just one problem, there's not always enough space for her to turn around and come down.
She's also been climbing up and down our mattress, as if working out, for fun. She's opened and closed the IKEA revolving shelf's bottom door by herself.
She's also very clingy when Papa leaves for work.
Mummy's been slacking on the flash cards since returning from Malaysia and falling sick.
She says Kaka(k) very well and often when our neighbour's kids come over, or can be heard.
She's gotten into a habit of holding up hands to walk, rather than crawl, to go somewhere. Hoping she'd walk independently soon.
I love this little girl.

1 comment:

  1. I love this little girl, our girl Shay Ning, too!
