Thursday, August 12, 2010

9 months development assessment today!

The vital statistics of a 9-month-old baby:
Weight: 8.63 kg (75%)
Length: 70.3 cm (>50%)
Head circumference: 46.3 cm (90%)

She definitely feels heavier than 8.63 kg.

She's passed all the tests in the clinic, including a hearing test. She was so excited when we reached the high-pitched left ear, she didn't respond until she calmed down. The nurse also commented, how happy she was just looking atht he hairy plastic ball she threw onto the chair in front to make her look forward instead of the source of the sound before she switched it on.

The nurse placed a knotted rubber band in front of Ning to test her pincer grasp, and Ning just looked at it, swept it away, until I told her, it's okay to play with it but don't eat it. Then Ning was given a small cube to pass to each hand, this one she wasn't interested, picked up and threw away. I should've given her my handphone, that always worked. I'd say cannot eat, then she'll "keh keh" pass from one hand to another, then try to steal a bite. Hahaha.

Then we placed her on a mat on a high counter for crawling. I commented how high it was, and the nurse just confirmed with me if she can do it at home and I assured her yes. Last test, standing with support. We let her stand on floor holding on to a children's table. The nurse said "She has a very steady stand. Just give her more opportunity to pull to standing."

Nurse says to give her lots of opportunities and NOT to use a walker, because it makes babies tip toes, which is unnatural.

Nurse noted: ACTIVE BABY in the remarks section :P

Sigh, so happy.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, give her plenty of opportunities! I want to see her walk and run around! Hahaha!
