Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Ultrasound @ Week 12

Today, we went for our Downs Syndrome (DS) screening test. The sonographer mentioned we can see the nose bone in picture 1 & 2, that is a good sign, as most DS babies' nasal bone do not fuse properly until quite late.

On 3 & 4, the fetus' leg and right hand can be seen in the shadows. It kept turning and moving around that the sonographer couldn't get a good look @ the neck area. Asked me to cough a few times to make the fetus change position again. Its left hand is behind/under its head :P Looks like me sleeping. Both Lougong and I can see the spine and all the back bones when the baby turned.

I think I saw it sucking its thumb and sticking out it's tounge, asked the sonographer if its possible thats the tounge and she said, it's possible! Just had Belgium Chocolate gelato ice cream after lunch, guess it can taste that and it likes it very much.

Ah, so happy :)


  1. awwwwwwww

    hey, eat healthy ya!

  2. ps: when are you going to do a 3D?!?! we wanna see!

  3. huh? not so soon lah :)
    maybe 20+ weeks, just once for the fun & novelty of it.
    did you?
