Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chatterbox in the making

She mumbles while drinking milk, babbles while pointing to objects, pulling to standing, trying to switch the TV on, almost every thing she does. Her sounds are getting more complex as she rolls and twist her tounge, sometimes with the aid of the occasional thumb or fingers.

So far, heard:

"pou pou" = carry in Cantonese
With outstretched arms

"poodon" = put on
With shirt or dress or bib in hand

"there" = there
when asked where things are
Sometimes she'll point or just look in the direction.

"ok" or "mm" = ok
When asked if she wanted to go outside or milk or toilet. Although she's been nodding and shaking her head more since last week. It's funny, sometimes she'll shake then nod her head as if she's either mistakenly used one or she couldn't make up her mind.

"meehlk" = milk
When Mummy's been oblivious to all her hunger signs, usually watching TV or on the Internet, and she's on the brink of crying. Hee hee. Its not often. So I don't get to hear this very often. Maybe it's more difficult to pronounce.

"boh" = ball or anything circular
When she wants or sees ball

"book" or booh = book, with very silent k
When she wants or is playing with her books. By the way, she can now turn most of the board books pages by herself. And, she also demonstrated she knows one title from the other. When I played "This little pig" with her toes, she picks the book up. And when I play "Round and round the garden", she picks up the corresponding title. Tried to give her "Teddy bear, teddy bear" as "Hey diddle diddle", her hand stopped mid reach. When I said sorry, it should've been... She grabbed it smiling, as if "ah, so that's a mistake".

"tickle-tickle" when she wants the "Round and round the garden" book or tickling.

"Zhe ge" = mandarin for "this one"
When she is playing with many toys as if taking stock

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