Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Standing for 5s; and later fell asleep laughing

while smacking lips and Mummy smack lips back. Papa started responding to Ning's smacking lips, and she chuckled. Mummy joined in. We took turns smacking lips and she was laughing, smacking lips, and laughing until she closed her eyes, still smiling and laughing and dozed off last night. We'd love to lull her to sleep laughing every night! Let's try okay, Lougong?

Just shortly before that, she came to Mummy, used Mummy as a prop and let go to stand for a full 5 seconds! She did it 2 nights ago, for about 2s.  She was so happy when we cheered her, she tried again, but I think she's tired, so not as successful in later tries. We still applaud her. Will give her more opportunity to use Mummy as prop :)

1 comment:

  1. Of coz....laughing and dozed off..
