Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poor ants!

I noticed a little black ant today and pointed it out to Ning.

She immediately started stamping her foot on the floor. She was trying to crush the poor little thing, but her aim was not perfect, so it looked hilarious. She followed the ant, foot stamping, to the door, and got on all fours, took her Minnie Mouse shoe and tried to swat it! It was really very funny to watch.

Later on, in the living room, an ant emerged from the foam mat, and this time, she got it with one stamp of her foot.

Poor little ant.

Mummy explained the ants didn't do us any harm, so we shouldn't crush it. How'd she like if someone crushed Ning (hand pressing gently down on Ning's head)? She shook her head. Then nodded when I told her not to kill ants anymore. Let's see if she remembers it the next time we see an ant.

After note: Later, Papa told me he taught her to kill the ant with her foot because she was doing it with her hand, to protect her. Shouldn't we teach her to walk away instead, lest she follows it to the nest and swats it...

1 comment:

  1. Just to protect herself from the BIG RED ANTS!
