Thursday, March 31, 2011

Great morning!

Mummy didn't need to cook, except for some macaroni to go with the leftover cabbage with chicken soup from yesterday. Though she did not eat much, just nibbled a bit of strawberry and a sip or two of soup with yolk, we watched 15 minutes of BabyTV and off we go. We walked Papa to the MRT station, and sat on the koala bear ride on the way out. Papa let go twice, and I think it was just nice because she wanted out by the time the second ride ended.

After that, we went to KFC for chilled milo and had a bit of A.M. Twister there. An old man, really old and wrinkled and bent, sat beside us, greeting Ning with hand. Ning slowly got up and climbed onto Mummy. The old man exclaimed in Hokkien, what little courage she had. In my heart, I thought, that Ning was a smart girl, she knows when to be careful i.e. a stranger that's too friendly.

After that, we went into Guardian to window shop. She picked a few items, and Mummy put back a few items. All in all, it was pretty smooth.

Then we went up to the food court because she wanted to go up the escalator. That's when another stranger said heatedly that I would break her arms if I did not hold her from the underarms (instead of her hands). I thought that that was amusing, a bit on the rude side, but amusing none-the-less.

We went around looking at the foods on display, she wasn't that interested because she couldn't touch them.

And then, we reached a little ramp. We walked down the ramp and suddenly it was like a light bulb lit up in her head. She pulled me up, then she walked down again, walked up, then down, and walk backwards up the ramp and then backwards down the ramp. Well, Mummy was as delighted as she was that she found something so simple so amusing and fun. However, the passersby were not as delighted. Mostly concerned I'd let her walk into someone holding something hot I guess. So, Mummy told Ning we could go to another ramp.

When we reached the other ramp, she ran up and down a few times, then got distracted. She climbed 16 steps all by herself, holding the handrail. We walked home. Half way home, she wanted "up", so Mummy carried her. Then she said, "head" and tapped on Mummy's head. So Mummy praised her, "very good, head". She kept at it and nodded a few times before Mummy realized, she wants to "sit on Mummy's head", she was waving arms and feet when Mummy guessed right and put her up on Mummy's shoulder. She waved at a couple of ladies passing by smiling happily away, and those ladies were also laughing and waving back.

We got home, had a bit of red bean soup, showered together, and she slept after suckling for 10 minutes.

What a great morning!

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