Way has built up quite a bit of cradle cap. As seen in the before photo. After 3 alternate days of applying baby oil and cleaning with shampoo, the residues are mostly gone.
To clean the scalp, we used a cotton ball, a small bowl and baby mineral oil. Some doctors advised sesame seed or olive oil. We had left over baby oil from 6 years ago... still works.
1. First pour some baby oil into the small bowl.
2. Then dip the cotton ball to dab the oil into the cradle cap. Soak the residues but not til the oil is dripping. Leave it in at least an hour for best effect.
3. After an hour, shampoo gently with coarse wash cloth wet (not dripping wet, just enough to clean up the oil) a foamy warm water.
4. Wash the cloth in sink then repeat til oil is completely gone.
The residues will come off. Do not scrub. If it is still stuck, then scrubbing it off will result in the wound oozing oil and build up residue again.
Let's hope the cradle cap stays away. There is inconclusive research to show that cradle cap is neither due to bad hygiene nor nutrition intake. So, we just take it in our stride since this is all we can do.
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